To ensure Australian Standards® meet national and global benchmarks and considers business capability and capacity to comply, a revision of each Standard is conducted approximately every five years.

The Review Process

Revisions to the Responsible Wood standards follow the standards development procedures and requirements set down by the Standards Development and Accreditation Committee (SDAC) of Standards Australia. This process ensures the consistency, accountability and transparency of the standards.

The following information provides more detail on the timing and process of such reviews.

Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708)

The Australian Standard® for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708) is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains consistent with any changes in regulation, forest management practices and reflects community expectations.

The most recent review was completed in 2013 and resulted in the revised version of the Standard (AS 4708:2013).

Reviews are undertaken by an independent Standards Reference Committee made up of experts and representatives from a broad range of stakeholders, including forest managers, the processing industry and environmental groups.

The last review took two years and included two public consultation periods. The successful completion of this review demonstrates that the Standard continues to provide what businesses and consumers need – objectivity, transparency and consistency. for the next standard review for the Australian Standard® for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708)

The next review is due to commence in 2018. For more information please refer to the AS-NZS 4708 project proposal.

Chain of Custody for Forest Products (AS 4707)

The Australian Standard® for Chain of Custody of Forest Products (AS 4707) is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains consistent with any changes in technical and operational considerations and reflects community expectations at both the national and international level.
The most recent review was completed in 2014 and the revised version of the Standard was published (AS 4707:2014) on 31 July 2014.

The review was undertaken by an independent Standards Reference Committee made up of experts and representatives from a broad range of stakeholders, including forest managers, wood processors, traders and wood/paper products customers.

The successful completion of this review demonstrates that the Standard continues to provide what businesses and consumers need – objectivity, transparency and consistency.

The Standard Reference Committee has sought to ensure that the Australian Standard (AS 4707) continues to be consistent with PEFC requirements and AS 4707:2014 is based closely on the recently revised PEFC Chain of Custody Standard (PEFC ST 2002:2013).