Responsible Wood is primarily funded through the payment of notification fees by certificate holders via the certification bodies responsible for auditing participants in the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme.

Notification fees are collected by the certification body and passed onto Responsible Wood.

Fees fund the operation of the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme (RWCS) key activities including:

  • The endorsement of Responsible Wood in the PEFC system and provides for International recognition of products derived from Australian certified forests.
  • Ongoing Standards Development
  • Registration of certificates in the Responsible Wood and PEFC systems.
  • Provides access to use the Responsible Wood and PEFC logos
  • Provides for technical assistance and support to certified organisations via Responsible Wood staff when their certification body is not the correct source of such assistance.

Notification fees vary depending upon the size of the defined forest area for certified forest managers and the turnover of certified products originating from certified sources for Chain of Custody participants.

Certification Bodies will usually invoice notification fees as a component of their annual audit and certification charges.

The current schedule of notification fees can be found here.