We champion sustainable forests. Our vision is to ensure Australia’s forests, and all products sourced from them, are amongst the most sustainable in the world.

Membership of Responsible Wood is an investment in sustainable management of Australia’s forests and the sound operation of the Australian wood and paper products industry.

million hectares of forest
forest owners
individual sites operating Chain of Custody systems

Responsible Wood pioneered the development of certification standards for sustainable wood sourced from managed forests in Australia.

We manage the Responsible Wood Certification Scheme which is underpinned by two Australian Standards® – Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708) and Chain of Custody for Forest Products (AS 4707).

Our team are responsible for the operation of the company and the overall management of the Australian Responsible Wood Certification Scheme.

As Australia’s understanding of forest ecology has increased and community attitudes have changed, forest management practices have also changed to ensure forests are conserved and managed responsibly.

“The first purely Australian Standard designed to define environmental performance and sustainability in the forestry industry.”